Client Tips
Can you gain some interview tips from these core values?
Hiring great Software Sales people and what to ask them at interview
- How do you open a new relationship with a prospect and create an opportunity?
- What have you sold in the last 12 months in monetary terms?
- How many new deals have you done in the past year?
- Can you tell me about a sale that you lost and what you learnt from it?
- How many new clients do you see each month?
- Can you take me through how you would handle an initial enquiry / lead?
- What training or personal development have you undergone in the last 6 months? Any courses / seminars? Have you read any sales books? Any online training? Any industry training?
Selling your company to a candidate at interview
In the current job market it is vital that you give a good impression of your company to candidates at the interview stage.
So plan ahead and think about how the candidate will progress during the first 12 months of the job:
Putting candidates at ease in an interview
Relaxing the candidate at interview
A great interview starts with relating to the individual and building rapport. Even experienced senior candidates can feel nervous at the beginning of an interview. So give the interviewee a chance to warm up with a few personal questions that anyone should have a good answer to; this will relax the candidate, humanise your interaction and maybe provide some interesting stories!
Linked In Tip
Selling your Company to candidates at interview
Part of the interview process is selling your company to your candidate; when you tell the company story you have to focus on the past, but you also need to talk about the future and what that means to the person being interviewed.
Here are some examples:
Tips & Advice
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